The other day,
Tish tagged me with "Why Do You Blog" meme.
So, in no particular order, here we go:
- I enjoy the community of friends in the blogsphere--not only locally, but all over the nation and world.
- It's an easy way to keep up with those friends without having to send out 1700 e-mails.
- It gives me a chance to channel my inner TV critic.
- It's cheaper than therapy.
- It's a nice way to capture where I am in a moment and then to reflect back on it later.
I am supposed to tag five people to carry on the fun, but from looking around I think a lot of you already have done it or have been tagged. So, if you want to join in the meme and haven't been tagged, consider this a tag.
posted by Michael Hickerson at 4/20/2007 08:59:00 AM |