When I heard the weather forecast calling for cold days and even colder nights, my first thought was--this is great soup or chili weather.
So, over the weekend I whipped up a CrockPot of alphabet vegetable soup (the hardest part of it is finding the alphabet noodles...thank heavens for Publix!). That was Sunday.
I'm still eating the soup today. It will be my fifth dinner of alphabet vegetable soup this evening. And there's still quite a good bit of it to go.
This, my friends, is one of the perils of living the single life. If you follow most recipes and are just cooking for yourself, you'd better really be in the mood for whatever you're cooking. Either than or have plenty of Tupperware and freezer space for the leftovers. Or both.
Don't get me wrong--I love leftovers. They are divine and I love a good, homecooked meal that you can easily and quickly heat-up after a long day at the office. (On a side note, what did we do before microwaves?). But there are times you get into the later stages of the leftovers where it's just not quite as exciting as it was on the first day.
I still have enough left for a couple of good bowls. I am definitely going to have to freeze whatever is uneaten after dinner tonight because tomorrow is my birthday and my mom is making her homemade lasagana. So, I'll be with the family, dining on lasagana, celebrating my birthday tomorrow evening.
Which means only one thing--tomorrow I will post my yearly, obligatory, "Hey, it's my birthday, show me some love in the comments" post. I'm just warning all of you in advance so you can have the birthday hilarity and wishes ready to go.
Labels: birthday
posted by Michael Hickerson at 1/18/2007 09:08:00 AM |