Seems that North Korea's launching of (now confirmed) seven missiles yesterday was a ploy to get the U.S.'s attention.
Or at least that is
how it's being spun in some places.
It makes me wonder what does North Korea want? Are they just trying to show off that they can now launch a missile that could hit the west coast at anytime? Should we be worried about their potential nuclear capabilities? (I think the answer to that last one is yes, but we should be worried about it anyway.) Or is Kim Jong II trying to find a way to take out Trey Parker and Matt Stone for making him the villain of
Team America: World Police?
The U.N. Security Council is set to have discussions today about what should be done and how this should be addressed. Should make for an interesting news watching as the day goes along.
One thing that does strike me about this situation--could it be similar to the Cuban missile crisis of the early 60's?
posted by Michael Hickerson at 7/05/2006 07:34:00 AM |