My good friend and cinema-phile Sarah e-mailed me this morning with this
bit of good news for
Star Wars fans.
I, like a lot of
Star Wars fans, was a bit annoyed that when they released the original trilogy on DVD, it was only the new Special Editions. It's not that I mind the clean up efforts done and the enhanced special effects but it's just--well, Greedo shoots first. I have to admit I had hoped George Lucas would take a page from Steven Spielberg's book when
E.T. was released on DVD. It included the original version and the special edition in the same package.
But George seemed pretty adament that the original trilogy was a work in progress and what we got on DVD was what we got.
That is, until now. Seems that Lucas has seen the light and will release the original trilogy, non-Special-Editioned in September. It will be a limited time only set and I'm pretty sure it will rank high on the wish list of many
Star Wars fans this holiday season. Of course, there is part of me that is cynical that could say--well, Lucas had to find some way to milk more cash out of the
Star Wars fans now that the new trilogy is complete and the original is out on DVD. But I won't say that.
posted by Michael Hickerson at 5/04/2006 07:11:00 AM |