Gas prices have risen forty cents a gallon since's just unbelievable. And it looks like there is no end in sight to this. Driving past the Kroger gas station down here in Smyrna where cars are generally piled up two deep per pump in line, there was nothing...just cones sitting out and no prices on the marquee. I can only assume they've run out of gas.
Which there is this rumor and legend going about that we could all be out of gasoline at stations by week's end. I am not sure whether or not to believe it, but there were reports on the radio of Atlanta gas stations charging five bucks a gallon for gas--that is, if you could find any.
Unbelievable...and as I said before, no easy end in sight.
The implications of Hurricane Katrina just keep on coming, don't they? I was listening to a sports call in show talk about Tulane University and the fact that they may not have classes this semester much less a rather trivial little thing like a home football game. It kind of puts things into persepective, doesn't it? Also, I've heard the president of the University of Alabama sent out an e-mail to 50,000 Bama ticket holders saying that there were not going to be any hotel rooms available for this weekend's game...and honestly, people who are living in hotels as they wait for waters to recede to see if they have a home to go back to do need those rooms more.
It's just brutal to think about sometimes. I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around such devestation happening. Yes, it happened last year with the tsunami..but in both cases, the sheer scale of what's gone on is hard to wrap my mind around.
Along those lines, I hope that in the coming weeks, there will be an outpouring of support for the New Orleans and Biloxi areas like we saw with the tsunami. We had the live concert to raise funds and certainly the American people will do what they can to try and help the people who have suffered. But along those lines, I do feel as if I have to point out a double standard...when the tsunamai hit, the United States was criticized world-wide for not doing enough monetarily to help the victims of that disaster. But yet, a disaster like that has occurred and those same powers who criticized us for not offering up as much aid as they felt we should have not yet stepped up to the plate and pledge any kind of aid for us.
Maybe they will..but so far, I've not heard anything to indicate this might or could happen...
posted by Michael Hickerson at 8/31/2005 07:46:00 PM |