Apparently, the price tag for all the world to find out what Jerry so depsarately wanted to know in the famous episode "The Implants" is $10 million. According to several reports, that is the amount it would take for Teri Hatcher (of late of
Desparate Housewives fame) to reveal all for

Don't tug on Superman's cape. Above is a famous photo from the early days of the Internet. For those of you who don't remember, Teri played Lois on the hit series
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. When Lois and Clark was on, I was a big fan of her and the show (well, at least until the middle of the third season when it jumped the shark spectacularily, but that's a whole other story) This photo came out while I was in college and I remember getting an AOL account just long enough to download this photo and then cancel it (it was only available on AOL for a while). I was even such a devoted fan that I watched Ms. Hatcher in such movies as
The Cool Surface, Heaven's Prisoner and her turns as a Bond girl in
Tomorrow Never Dies.
I've yet to see an epiosde of
Desparate Housewives, though. I missed the first couple and just never have found the time to catch up or get into it.
I find it interesting that Ms. Hatcher has put the price tag of $10 million on the possibilty of being in
Playboy. Why? Because two of three movies I mention above feature her doing nudity. In fact,
Heaven's Prisoners features full frontal nudity. (There was quite a hubbub about it in the on-line Lois and Clark fan community at the time). I can see how
The Cool Surface would be out there, lurking around on video and DVD before she hit it bit. But
Heavens Prisoners was made during the height of Lois and Clark's popularity when she was a pretty big name. In fact, I remember a lot of articles in which she defended her choice for doing the full frontal nude scene (if you've seen the film, you may remember it doesn't really actually ADD that much to the movie from a plot standpoint. It's not a bad movie, per se. It's actually rather good) .
But I guess you become a "hot" star and you can name your own price. That is, assuming Hugh Hefner is rushing to the phone to call, which based on the fact that you can rent both films or find screen captures from each one on the Internet doesn't seem all that likely. I guess what I'm saying here is--Teri, we all know they're real and based on what I've seen, we all can agree they're spectacular.
posted by Michael Hickerson at 5/25/2005 03:00:00 PM |