What'd you watch?
ACK! It can't be Tuesday can it? *checks calendar* Oops! Sure is! Since I took a week off let's find out what you were watching!
1. What's your favorite thing you've watched in the past week?
Star Trek: Enterprise "Awakening." I am enjoying the heck out of the Vulcan arc on Enterprise and this episode was exactly what this Trek fan wanted.
2. Have you found anything new you liked? (You can use disliked or any other adjective you want.)
I have not tried any new shows this week, though I did watch The Longest Yard on AMC over the weekend. Hadn't seen it before and I enjoyed it.
3. For those who had access to them, did you see any really cool parades on TV?
Nope...I'm more into football.
~Bonus~ Holiday dinner: TV on or off?
posted by Michael Hickerson at 11/30/2004 01:32:00 PM |